How to get the last element of a list in Python
To find the last element of a list, type the list name with index -1 in square brackets.
The last element of the list is always identified by the negative index -1.
The number of elements in the list is irrelevant.
Example 1
Create a list with four elements
>>> color=['blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow']
Take the last element of the list by relative index -1.
>>> color[-1]
The output result is the following:
It reads the item at the bottom of the list.
Example 1
To read the penultimate element of the list, use the relative index -2.
>>> colori[-2]
Esempio 3
To read the last two elements of the list, type the index [-2:] by slicing technique.
>>> colori[-2:]
['verde', 'giallo']
The result is a sub-list with the last two items of the main list.