How to find Cosecant in Python

To calculate the cosecant in Python you can use the csc() function of the mpmath module.

from mpmath import csc

The parameter x is the angle measured in radians

The csc () function returns the cosecant of the angle.

What is the cosecant? In trigonometry the cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine function. It is equal to infinity if the angle is 0 °, it is one if the angle is 90 ° (sine = 1) or -1 if the angle is 180 °.
the cosecant of an angle and the difference with the secant

Alternative method

The cosecant can also be calculated as the reciprocal of the sine.

from math import sin

Practical examples

Example 1

To calculate the cosecant of 45 °

>>> from mpmath import csc, radians
>>> x=radians(45)
>>> csc(x)

The radians() function converts the sexagesimal degrees of the angle to radians.

The csc() function calculates the cosecant.


The cosecant of 45 ° is approximately 1.41421

Example 2

To calculate the cosecant of 90 °

>>> from math import sin, radians
>>> x=radians(90)
>>> 1/sin(x)

This time the cosecant is calculated as the reciprocal of the function sin (x).

The output result is


The cosecant of an angle of 90 ° is 1.


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How to find in Python
