How to extract two or more columns of a matrix in Matlab and Octave
To extract two or more columns from a matrix on Matlab and Octave type
At the first parameter insert the symbol: to take all the rows of the matrix
At the second parameter after the comma, insert the a:b range of the columns
- term a is the number of the first column to extract
- term a is the number of the last column to extract
Alternative method
Digitare nel secondo parametro la lista delle colonne da estrarre tra parentesi quadre, separandole tra loro da uno spazio o da una virgola.
M(:,[a b])
This method allows you to also extract the columns of the matrix that are not close to each other.
Example 1
Define a 2x3 matrix with two rows and three columns
>> M=[1 2 3; 4 5 6]
M =
1 2 3
4 5 6
Extract the first two columns of the matrix M
Type M(:,1:2)
>> M(:,1:2)
ans =
1 2
4 5
This command extracts the first and second columns.
Example 2
Extract the first and third columns of the matrix.
Digitare M(:,[1 3])
>> M(:,[1 3])
ans =
1 3
4 6
The command extracts the first and third columns of the matrix M.